A Consumer’s Guide to the Lanterman Act

This book is about the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act (people also call it the Lanterman Act, for short) which was passed in 1969. This is the California law that says people with developmental disabilities and their families have a right to get the services and supports they need to live like people who don’t … Read more

Guidelines: How to Write and Report About People with Disabilities

The first edition of the Guidelines was produced with funding from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. Since then, more than one million copies have been distributed, and the electronic version is now used by people around the world. Please use the Guidelines when you write or report about people with disabilities. We … Read more

Considerations for Regional Centers Implementing Person-Centered Organizational Change

For a variety of reasons, many of California’s regional centers are currently considering or have implemented a person-centered organizational initiative.  Moving towards a person-centered system requires considerable thought and planning to be effective. This brief article present some factors to consider in the early stages of planning, implementation, or efforts to sustain the initiative. There … Read more

Positive & Productive Meetings

by Helen Sanderson and Jean Balfour with Barney Cunningham and Amanda George Illustrations by Marc Archambault Positive and Productive Meetings (PPM) is a set of strategies initially developed by consultants in England attempting to steal back their own time and energy as well as that of the people they worked with everyday. Over time very simple, … Read more

Support Development Associates

  Support Development Associates You Tube channel. Videos focused on person centered thinking, planning and organizational strategies. Check out the playlist titled Moving Toward a Person Centered System: Lessons Learned. It’s a series of clips from a two presentation by Michael Smull.

Expressions of Wellness I: Pathways to Healthy Living

A Guide for Adults with Developmental Disabilities (2000) The California Department of Development Services (DDS) has funded a series of activities to promote Wellness which will help ensure access to quality medical, dental, and mental health services with an emphasis on positive health outcomes. Taking a leadership role in this statewide effort, DDS has conducted research, … Read more