Archives of The California Gatherings Newsletters and Resource Notes

Resource Notes

Resource Note #122 – Final Edition

Resource Note #121 – Trauma Informed Care, part 2

Resource Note #120 – Trauma Informed Care

Resource Note #119 – Reprint of Supporting People with Severe Reputations in the Community

Resource Note #118 – Person Centered Thinking and Practices in Leadership

Resource Note #117 – Texas Gathering; HSA International Event; PCT Coordinator Opening; and 30 Years of Community Living: An ACL Report

Resource Note #116 – Minnesota Gathering; HSA International Learning Event; World Café October 26th; and, 30 Years of Community Living: An ACL Report

Resource Note #115 – Compassion @ work training from HSA; Imagine Film Festival; Communications Skills to Improve Interactions with Persons with Developmental Disabilities training; and, Person Centered Approaches to Working with People with Dementia

Resource Note #114 – Trainings on communication skills; working with at-risk kids, and, people experiencing dementia. Also, the World Café returns on September 28th.

Resource Note #113 – World Café on the first of the nine critical aspects of a person centered organization or system.

Resource Note #112 – Exciting story of the passage of the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act.

Resource Note #111 – Back story of the Lanterman Act; training opportunities in Planning for a Good Life and Health Care Decisions.

Resource Note #110 – Rethinking Mental Health for Neurodiversity Equity and Inclusion webinar; Trauma Informed Support and the Path to Healing; Trauma Informed Services and Supports

Resource Note #109 – Reshaping Person-Centered Planning; DSP Survey; Person Centered Approaches to Healthcare Decision Making; 2022 TLCPCP Virtual Gathering; HSA International Learning Event

Resource Note #108 – TLCPCP 2022 Gathering; HSA International Gathering; and PCT training opportunity

Resource Note #107– Mental health month; PCT training opportunities; and HSA International Gathering

Resource Note #106 – California’s Quality Incentive Initiative

Resource Note #105 – The Least Dangerous Assumption; PCT training; Identity-First and People-First Language; Resources for Person-Centered Decision Making at End-of-Life 
Resource Note #104 – World Café: The HCBS Rule. Are we ready?; Inclusion Webinar; Advocate for marriage rights with the ARC
Resource Note #103 Person Centered Thinking training offered by TCRC in Spanish
Resource Note #102 – Call for Presentations for The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices Gathering in Portland 2022; SOLUTION CIRCLE – Getting Unstuck A Creative Problem Solving Tool
Resource Note #101 – Training for Parent Developed Person Centered Plans; Planning Live; and, World Café
Resource Note #100 – World Café; Person-Centered Decision Making in Healthcare and Care at End of Life; CEU-Approved Person Centered Thinking
Resource Note #99 – Health Plan Member-Focused Emergency Practices Roadmap
Resource Note #98 – Results of the reader survey; introducing The California Gatherings “Express” Resource Board
Resource Note #97 – Reader survey
Resource Note #96 – Support Development Association Plan Facilitation Training; Supporting Purpose and Meaning in the Lives of Individuals with MH/IDD; NCAPPS Shorts: Culture & Person-Centered Practices; A Transition Workbook
Resource Note #95 – NCAPPS Shorts: Culture & Person-Centered Practices; Removing Barriers to Healthcare; Fillable version of A Workbook for Your Personal Passport
Resource Note #94 – World Café: Realizing our Hopes and Working to Transform or Eradicate our Fears; NADSP COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Campaign; HSA and SDA Training updates
Resource Note #93 – HSA PCT Training Update
Resource Note #92 – Threshold of Freedom: Ten Components of a Thinking Environment; NCAPPS Build Back Better: Vision for a Post-pandemic World That Is Person-Centered and Inclusive for All People with Disabilities; Harm Reduction Initiative
Resource Note #91 – Training for Planning Live update; Writing person-centered outcomes and plans doesn’t have to be intimidating or difficult, let us show you the basics
Resource Note #90 – Direct Support Workforce and COVID-19 Survey: Providing Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic; What Do NCI Data Tell Us About Significant Racial & Ethnic Disparities Across Quality of Life & Health Domains?
Resource Note #89 – Let’s Talk: Trauma-Informed DSP Practice; It’s My Choice; NADSP Black DSPs Matter: Part One
Resource Note #88 – Recruitment: an International struggle; and, Listen to Me! (fillable pdf).
Resource Note #87 – Remembering a Troubling Past – How Sonoma County became the dark center of America’s forced sterilization movement. 
Resource Note #86 – Promising Recruitment and Retention Strategies.
Resource Note #85 – 2021 California Gathering for Person Centered Practices
Resource Note #84 – Your Story. Your Choice. An exploration of milestones and how they change over time; From Discovery Skills to Person Centered Outcomes: A One-Day Workshop and Simulation
Resource Note #83 – New Research Finds COVID-19 Pandemic Further Decimating a Direct Care Workforce in Crisis; California Adult Care Facilities and Direct Care Worker Vaccine Requirement. 
Resource Note #82 – Access to Justice: A Cross-Disability Perspective on Reducing Jail Incarceration; Frontline Initiative: Self-Care for DSPs.
Resource Note #81 – Relationships Decoded; Adults Get Bullied Too; and, Danger Signs of Harm.
Resource Note #80 – Giving Artists With Disabilities a Space to Thrive; Frontline Initiative: The Changing Roles of the DSP.
Resource Note #79 – The Bill of Rights and barriers to exercising those rights as explained by individuals with developmental disabilities; ableism and what we can do to to fix it. 
Resource Note #78 – Disability & Philanthropy Webinar Series: Racial Equity and Disability; Frontline Initiative: Supporting Healthy Relationships.
Resource Note #77 – Community living in the age of COVID; NADSP Statement on Vaccine Hesitancy and FAQ; Supporting Purpose and Meaning by Michael Smull.
Resource Note #76 – Webinars on self-healing and advocacy; save the date for The California Gathering.
Resource Note #75 – Save the Date announcement for the California Gathering. Plus articles on honoring choice and self-direction, twelve lessons about community building, and the nine pillars of a person-centered system.
Resource Note # 74 – This edition represents a transition to email formatted resource notes. Also, a merger of newsletter content within the notes.
Resource Note #73 – Webinar opportunities that include the following titles: Beyond Survival: Thriving with Quality SupportPerson Centered ThinkingReturn to Work Anxiety and Creating Psychological SafetyPerson-Centered Supports in Popular Culture. Also available via The California Gatherings “Express” Resource Board: Main Page.
Resource Note #72 – This issue includes a World Café announcement, an opportunity for PCT training and a tip sheet for making virtual meetings more accessible.
Resource Note #71 – Here’s a quick way to access the most recent posts inresource content, training, and webinars from current and past California Gatherings newsletters and resource notes, national and statewide gatherings and and a variety of websites.
Resource Note #70 – This issue includes links to 9 Pillars of a Person-Centered System, the NCAPPS document Person Centered Planning Competencies, an article about identity-first and person-first language, and a person centered training opportunity.
Resource Note #69 – This edition contains the The Portland Gathering registration link. It’s live now. Also, a tribute to Dave Hingsberger and upcoming training by HSA.
Resource Note #68 – Link to register for the Portland Gathering; and an opportunity to support The Learning Community in rebranding.
Resource Note #67 – Answers to the final questions from our survey. Notice for the next World Café titled Having Choice in Systems that Actively Work Against It. 
Resource Note #66 – Surveys answers to the question What are you learning from what you tried or trying?
Resource Note #65 – Additional survey answers to the question What are you trying and doing to provide a safe workplace environment for your staff and individuals you support and serve?
Resource Note #64 – Two PCT training announcements, and the Portland Gathering pre-registration notice.
Resource Note #63 – As a reminder about reconnecting, North Star Services (a supported living agency) provided this cool fillable form; as well as an adapted self-care form (left) that we can use to assess our self-care needs and find out if there are areas where we might make changes. 
Resource Note #62 – In this issue, we start an ongoing discussion of reopening and reconnecting. We also post a reminder about virtual PCT training (page 3), and  several conference and webinar postings (page 4).
Resource Note #61 – Reminders of upcoming webinars, training, a summary of a conference on person centered quality assurance, and a self-care assessment that you should check out.
Resource Note #60 – This edition includes a Save the Date for the California Gathering, a reminder of tomorrow’s World Café and an upcoming, virtual Person Centered Thinking training.
Resource Note #59 – Upcoming webinars, virtual training, conferences, and advocacy efforts.
Resource Note #58 – Reminder of an upcoming virtual conference on self-determination, another on PCT and Disaster Preparedness; a World Café on fatigue; and a plain language article on the COVID vaccine.
Resource Note #57 – Upcoming virtual conference on self-determination; reminder for webinars. 
Resource Note #56 – Upcoming webinars, a World Café, and some resources regarding relationships and sex education.
Resource Note #55 – An upcoming conference on self-determination, resources for supported decision making, and transition. And a poster for supporting the fight again isolation poster.
Resource Note #54 – A reminder about the conversation on culture and person centered practices, a summary of a recently completed webinar on tips and tricks for creating accessible content, and some great resource links from The ARC.
Resource Note #53 – Join in on the conversation on culture and person centered practices, a summary of a recently completed webinar on facilitating person-centered planning, and a reminder about the upcoming World Café.
Resource Note #52 – This issue includes a video link about coping with covid from Derek and Karyn,  thoughts about accessibility and the pandemic, a world café notice, and a paper on quality services. 
Resource Note #51 – This issue is dedicated to the language we use from different perspectives. 
Resource Note #50 – This 50th edition includes several new opportunities for training and a briefing paper for an upcoming webinar.
Resource Note #49 – It’s all about webinars, training and an upcoming world café.
Resource Note #48 – Reminder of an upcoming webinar and some deep dives into the archives.
Resource Note #47 – Each time services and supports close and reopen, how individuals want to reconnect to their communities becomes an important issue. Here are several examples of ways to listen and record what we learn. Also, some tips on getting centered during the increased time we spend in virtual, online worlds.
Resource Note #46 – This issue covers a webinar and resource guide to facilitating person-centered planning; some online training resources for Direct Support Professionals; and, a new video by Derek and Karyn on coping with COVID and the holidays.
Resource Note #45 – Highlights two excellent virtual training activities.
Resource Note #44 – Today’s note includes resource links to a healthy relationship curriculum, a plain language booklet about racism, another about bullying, and videos about sexuality and staying safe in harmful situations.
Resource Note #43 – Resources for families and individuals regarding person centered thinking, planning and practices during COVID-19; Straight Talk video series for parents; a video on using gifts and talents for career exploration; excerpt of promoting positive change; and, a resource for understanding health equity challenges for people with disabilities.  
Resource Note #42 – The Redwoods Gathering registration edition..
Resource Note #41 – This issues includes: Derek Smith and Karyn Harvey on coping with COVID and loneliness; a video series on critical issues for parents of children with disabilities, featuring Laura Buckner; upcoming NADD virtual conference; and, a reminder about registration for The Redwoods Gathering.
Resource Note #40 – Highlighting a workbook on Stakeholder Asset Mapping, a new Facebook group called Disability Zoom, and commemorating the 75th anniversary of National Disability Employment Awareness Month.
Resource Note #39 – A free conference from The Arc and a guide to assist human service systems to fully and effectively include people who receive services in public policy decisions and systems change efforts.
Resource Note #38 – Invitation to World Cafe #12; Save the Date for The Redwoods Gathering; and, Register for the Minnesota Gathering.
Resource Note #37 – Gatherings, webinars, tips on virtual meetings, and the ADA at 25.
Resource Note #36 – Webinars, gatherings, webinars . . 
Resource Note #35 – This issue focuses on resources about supported decision-making.
Resource Note #34 – A danger of a “single story” is that it blocks meaningful discovery about the diversity of everyone around us. News of a webinar dedicated to The Single Story.
|Resource Note #33 – Upcoming webinar on intersectionality and peer support; core competencies of facilitation; and an excerpt from Progress for Providers which is a method of evaluation of person-centered, organizational practices.
Resource Note #32 – Webinars about health and acting on our assumptions, resources regarding rights education and advocacy, and access to Reinventing Quality conference resources.
Resource Note #31 – Free virtual summer concert series; NADD conference notice; risk assessment graphic from A Guide to Home and Community Based Service Standards and Person-Centered Practices
Resource Note #30 – Highlights Progress for Providers and A Guide to Home and Community Based Service Standards and Person-Centered Practices
Resource Note #29 – In this note, a webinar on intersectionality across disability; Derek and Karyn Harvey on hope; and, some graphics for an article on Culture, Identity and Person Centered Practices.
Resource Note #28 – In this note, a webinar on person-centered practices for the pandemic and beyond; a World Cafe on change agents and change targets; and, the COVID-19 workbook translated into Spanish.
Resource Note #27 – Self-help booklets for people with intellectual disabilities about COVID-19 and its effects; a wellness guide to overcoming isolation; a collection of videos about COVID-19 in Spanish; and a COVID-19 Tips booklet available in multiple languages.
Resource Note #26 – In this issue, another example of a resource to support individuals using services in reconnecting with their communities. Also, an archive of self-determination newsletters.
Resource Note #25 – In this note, you’ll find a prerecorded webinar and resource material on trauma-informed and person-centered thinking and support; a fillable individual plan for reconnecting to the community; and an excerpt from article on the habit of hierarchy by David Hinsberger.
Resource Note #24 – In this note: notice of the next World Cafe; follow-up to On the Ground; a workbook on processing the pandemic; and, a free summer Zoom concert series.
Resource Note #23 – Resources on supported decision-making, self-advocacy and supporting people with disabilities during the isolation created by the pandemic.
Resource Note #22 – Recorded and upcoming webinars and a guide tomaking video meetings more accessible for all.
Resource Note #21 – In this issue you’ll find A World Cafe on trauma and resilience. Three videos from the National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems on person centered practices and the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, an invitation to join the American Psychological Association’s town hall on racism.
Resource Note #20 – In this issue: resources on using technology (e.g., remote communication and learning); a webinar on understanding dual diagnosis; and, an advocacy resource regrading the need for Federal assistance for individuals and disability services and supports post pandemic.
Resource Note #19 – World Cafe 6 webinar on Changes in Our System; Understanding Trauma: The Workforce Perspective; and, Information for Californians who want to track the pandemic, its effects on the budget, and advocate for services and supports.
Resource Note #18 – You’ll find a link to a video about why your doctor looks different during Covid-19. You’ll also find: information about a TASH webinar; an email campaign for making sure that Direct Support Professionals have the protective gear they need to continue their work; and, an announcement about the TLC Portland Gathering.
Resource Note #17 – Impact of pandemic on organizations; links to ASL videos regarding COVID-19; share your story; and links to English and Spanish information from Self Advocates Becoming Empowered 
Resource Note #16 – Article about loss and grief; website resource for a clear and easy to understand explanation of COVID-19; and, a survey of DSPs
Resource Note #15 – More information on creating one page profiles and health passports with examples
Resource Note #14 – COVID-19 Resources for Direct Support Professionals and Advocates
Resource Note #13 – Communication Rights and Multiple Uses for One-Page Descriptions
Resource Note #12 – More Resources for Supporting Individuals During the Pandemic
Resource Note #11 – One Page Descriptions for People who are Sick or Hospitalized
Resource Note #10 – COVID-19 Health Summary for a Person with a Developmental Disability 
Resource Note #9 – The continued importance of ritual and routines
Resource Note #8 – HHS OCR Issues Guidance Confirming that Federal Law Prohibits Disability Discrimination in Rationing Scarce Medical Treatment; Disability and Disaster Hotline during COVID-19; and How the COVID-19 Stimulus Package Impacts People with Disabilities
Resource Note #7 – How do you talk about COVID-19 to people with intellectual disabilities?
Resource Note #6 – On the Ground with the Pandemic: A provider perspective
Resource Note #5 – International Disability Alliance – Leaving No-One Behind in the Disability-Inclusive Reponse
Resource Note #4 – NAMI COVID-19 Resource and Information Guide
Resource Note #3 – Webinar: Tools for Supporting People When Familiar Supports Aren’t Available
Resource Note #2 – Coping with Coronavirus and Social Isolation Webinar
Resource Note #1 – COVID-19 Toolkit For DSPs Resources to help DSPs take care of themselves during the crisis


Newsletter #21 – In this second edition about self-determination, additional thoughts, research findings and definitions.
Newsletter #20 – We’re working on a series on self-determination. We’ll start with a brief historical perspective from some of the leading lights of the movement when it started to pick up momentum in the mid 1990s. A reminder that the journey to self-determination for people with developmental disabilities has been a long one.
Newsletter #19 – Now that we have presented the qualitative elements of a person-centered system, we turn to ways that providers and others can use to assess their progress in meeting the expectations we covered in Part 2 (Newsletter #18).
Newsletter #18 – This issue focuses on the values, characteristics and indicators of a person-driven organization and system. The next and concluding edition of this series focuses on several ways to assess movement towards that end.
Newsletter #17 – This and the next two issues, focus on change needed to create a person-driven system of services and supports for people with developmental disabilities. The next issue will highlight indicators of person-centered systems. And the third issue will conclude with several ways to assess progress.
Newsletter #16 – This is a special edition focused on developing meaningful outcomes with individuals in the person centered planning process. In California, the Department of Developmental Services has recently requested that nonresidential providers develop outcomes and person centered plans for individuals who prefer using alternative services (e.g., remote). Are you ready?
Newsletter #15 – This issue describes disability culture and a way we can learn more about our own culture and identity.
Newsletter #14 – This newsletter is the second is our series on culture, race, identity and person centered practices. We focus here on cultural competence at an individual and organizational level as well as linguistically.
Newsletter #13 – The focus of this special issue is on the need for advocacy on the issues of economic and healthcare equity for people with disabilities.
Newsletter #12 – This edition focuses on culture and its relationship to person-centered practices. Considerable content has been excerpted from a webinar titled Pieces of the Same Puzzle: The Role of Culture in Person-Centered Thinking, Planning, and Practice. 
Newsletter #11 – In this edition: all about protests and racial justice in plain language; a webinar on peer support and personcentered planning; an article on intersectionality and person-centered thinking; and,The ARCs’ message against systemic racism.
Newsletter #9 – In this issue, several articles about race, culture and person centered practices. A plan for determining your level of risk in coming out of quarantine. Finally, developing a person-centered plan for health emergencies.
Newsletter #8 – In upcoming issues, we’ll share resources that focus on: (1) reconnecting with community as well as services and supports. 2) person-centered practices and culture. If you have resources on these topics, please send them to us at 
Newsletter #7 – In this edition, Part 3 of the series on managing the transition to the “new beginning” created by the COVID-19 pandemic.  
Newsletter #6 – In this edition, Part 2 of the series on managing the transition to the “new normal” created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, an article about how policies and practices regarding disability services and supports may or may not change post pandemic.
Newsletter #5 – This newsletter and the next two focuses on supporting people with and without disabilities as they go through change.
Newsletter #4 – Focused on supported decision-making and self-advocacy resources and tools.
#3 Special Edition – Devoted to resources Regarding the pandemic and support services.
Newsletter #2 – Focused on supporting individuals to make community connections.
Newsletter #1 – Article about choice and control; and a visual flow chart describing how to build a person centered one page description and plan.

Newsletters in Spanish
Newsletter #5 – Gracias a Tina Calderaro-Mendoza que sugirió esta series y contenido proporcionado. Puede encontrar el artículo original en Mind Tools buscando el modelo de transición de Bridges. También encontrara en esta edición un artículo de Michael Smull sobre perdida y dolor y un video de YouTube con Derek Smith y Karyn Harvey enfocándose en trauma y curación.

Newsletter #6 – Si no ha visto Crip Camp: Una revolución de la discapacidad, véalo en Netflix. ¡Nunca se le olvidara! Vea la experiencia virtual oficial con altavoces de la comunidad de discapacidad centrada en activismo. En esta edición, Parte 2 de la serie en la gestión de la transición a la “nueva normalidad” creada por la Pandemia de COVID-19. Además, un artículo sobre como las políticas y prácticas sobre los servicios y apoyos de discapacidad pueden o no pueden cambiar después de la pandemia.

Newsletter #7 – En esta edición, la parte 3 de la serie sobre la gestión de la transición al “nuevo comienzo” creado por la pandemia COVID-19. Usted puede encontrar el articulo original en Mind Tools por buscar Bridges’ Transition Model. También encontrara maneras de integrar el modelo en las prácticas de personas con algunos medios que apoyara sus esfuerzos.

Derek & Dr. Karyn Harvey- Getting Through and Coping with COVID-19
Derek Smith has had several conversations with Dr. Karyn Harvey, psychologist, about getting through, coping and growing with the Covid-19 pandemic.
Introduction – Part 1 Getting Through it – Part 2
Optimism, Hope, Resilience – Part 3 Trauma and Healing – Part 4
Positive Identity Development – Part 5 Grief and Loss – Part 6Hope – Part 7