Michael W. Smull and Helen Sanderson with Charlotte Sweeney, Louise Skelhorn,
Amanda George, Mary Lou Bourne and Michael Steinbruck
Welcome to the second edition of the facilitator’s handbook, a resource manual for those people who develop essential lifestyle plans. Since we first developed essential lifestyle planning in the late 1980s and early 1990s we have tried to continue to learn how to better develop plans that helped people who use disability services get the lives that they wanted. This edition of the handbook moves from a focus on plans with people with disabilities, to plans for everyone who wants one. As I write, essential lifestyle planning is being used with children and families, with people who have mental health issues, with older people and with people who have drug and alcohol issues. We are also seeing this work used in life coaching: it truly is for everyone. This is 30 pages of the complete guide.Essential Lifestyle Planning for Everyone To purchase a complete copy, please contact Julie Malette (juliem@hsacanada.ca).