The Creation of the Lanterman Act: The Back Story

From time to time, it’s important to revisit the history of the Lanterman Act. This video traces the back story of the Act from Art Bolton’s perspective.  Art led an amazing life and this video covers his eight years (1960-1968) as the director of the California State Assembly Office of Research. During his tenure,  he led the team that crafted this legislation. Of course, this piece of landmark legislation created the entitlement to community services and supports for people with developmental disabilities and their families in the State of California.

The video is 37 minutes long with 11 parts. If you can’t watch it in one sitting, watch a bit and come back. You’ll find a timed index in the YouTube description, so you can pick and choose segments you might be more interested in watching or rewatching. In particular, how entitlement to services came to be. We’re guessing that you will be hooked within the first two or three parts. 

Produced in 2014 by NorthStar Services.
Video crew was Claudia Bolton, Mary Eble, and Bill Allen.