A Guide for Adults with Developmental Disabilities (2000)
The California Department of Development Services (DDS) has funded a series of activities to promote Wellness which will help ensure access to quality medical, dental, and mental health services with an emphasis on positive health outcomes. Taking a leadership role in this statewide effort, DDS has conducted research, developed best practice guidelines, and improved professional expertise for services for persons with developmental disabilities. Accordingly, the mission of this effort is: To promote the health and well-being of all Californians with developmental disabilities.
The information herein does constitute, in any way, advise on health care issues. It does not reflect the opinion or policy of the Department of Developmental Services in any way.
Adapted from an on-line resource at the Department of Developmental Services website (http://www.dds.cahwnet.gov/). Content by Allen, Shea & Associates.
In this guide, you will find 10 modules (377 pages) representing various systems of the human body (for example, Mouth & Teeth, Lungs & Breathing). In each of the modules, you will find two sections:
- Health Information and Resources for Caregivers In this section, you will find information in understandable language about the common health conditions facing people with developmental disabilities. In addition, you will find information about risk factors, prevention, nutrition, planning a successful visit to the doctor, published materials, organizations, and Internet resources associated with the topic of that module.
- Prevention Curriculum for Instructors of Adults with Developmental Disabilities This section is an instructional guide on healthy living. Each set of parallel pages provides: (1) teaching tips for instructors on the left; and, (2) easy-to-understand descriptions of basic body systems for individuals with developmental disabilities (along with tips on healthy living) on the right. Pages on the right can be pulled out and photocopied as individual handouts or made into transparencies for group instruction.