Promising Practices for Person-Centered Plans

What exactly does a “good”person-centered plan include or look like? What are some outcomes we might anticipate for the person? This resource outlines promising practices for person-centered plan documentation anddescribes indicators of truly person-centered plans for quality monitoring purposes.

A Guide for Developing Strategic Objectives to Expand Self-Direction

June 2023By Valerie J. Bradley Self-direction gives people with disabilities and older adults the ability to manage the long-term services and supports that they need to live lives of their choosing. Over the past more than 25 years, the option to self-direct has become an increasing component of human services systems. The virtue of self- … Read more

Foundational Writings

Michael Smull, Susan Burke Harrison, John and Connie Lyle O’Brien , Beth Mount, Marsha and Jack Pearpoint and others have written about person-centered thinking, planning, and services and supports for some time. We consider their work from the 1980s to today to be foundational and want to make sure that they’re not lost. We have … Read more

It’s My Choice!

It’s My Choice First printed in 1988, the 2017 edition of It’s My Choice (by William Allen) has been updated and is now available and still free. The content reflects 21st Century language and thinking about services and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities; and the format is designed for easier navigation and to improve usability. The concept and … Read more

Best Practice, Expected Practice, and the Challenge of Scale

by Michael W. Smull, Mary Lou Bourne, and Helen Sanderson Most state developmental disabilities (DD) systems have supported the development of best practice pilots and have defined the desired best practice outcomes. But the challenge to move typical practice toward best practice to “take best practice to scale” remains. To do this, state leaders need to … Read more

I am Disabled: On Identity-First Versus People-First Language

March 20, 2015 by Cara LiebowitzIn the United States, a linguistic movement has taken hold. People-first language is considered by many to be the most respectful and appropriate way to refer to those who were once called disabled, handicapped, or even crippled. Instead of disabled person, we are urged to say person with a disability. Instead of autistic person, we should say person … Read more

Resource Note #122- Final Edition

Resources Notes and (at one time) Newsletters were started during the early pandemic, as a way to provide information and resources on person-centered practices in a changing world. After 120+ editions, it’s time to for us move on. We hope that you all got something you needed and will continue to practice person-centered thinking and … Read more

What Happens When You Pay for Your Own Services?

By John O’Brien In most places, the government still pays people who give services. Services like a place to live, help with finding a job, support in keeping a place of your own. In some places, things are starting to change! The government is starting to give money to people with developmental disabilities to pay for their own … Read more

An introduction to Person Centred Teams

by Helen Sanderson Associates A person centred team is a team with a shared sense of purpose who know what is important to and for team members. In a person centred team roles and tasks are allocated based on team member’s strengths and interests, and the team regularly reflects on, and shares, what they are … Read more