Michael Smull, Susan Burke Harrison, John and Connie Lyle O’Brien , Beth Mount, Marsha and Jack Pearpoint and others have written about person-centered thinking, planning, and services and supports for some time. We consider their work from the 1980s to today to be foundational and want to make sure that they’re not lost. We have accumulated a number of these articles which can be found in our Download section. Some examples are: Person centered planning and perversion prevention, Essential Lifestyle Planning for Everyone, Paying Customers Are Not Enough, The Seattle 2000 Declaration on Self-Determination & Individualized Funding, Challenging Incompetence, Self-Determination, What Happens When You Pay for Your Own Services?, Positive Rituals and Quality of Life, Moving to a system of support: using support brokerage, Becoming a Person Centered System – A Brief Overview, and Choice and Control.