Infinite Waters: Diving Deep Into Conversations About Person Centered Practices

NorCal Gathering

March 21-22, 2018

Special Guests Include:
Mary Lou Bourne, Director of NCI and Quality Assurance NASDDDS
Michael Smull, Senior Partner, Support Development Associates, LLC

Petaluma Community Center • 320 N. McDowell Blvd. • Petaluma, CA 94954 • 707.778.4380

Join us for the third NorCal Gathering. We’ll be learning and sharing experiences and
information about creating and supporting person centered systems, organizations and services
through the implementation of person-centered practices.

Conference Conversations:
CMS Changes and Measuring Progress Towards Implementing Person Centered Practices
Speaker: Mary Lou Bourne Respondent: Michael Smull Q and A

The Power and Challenge of Implementing Change Tomorrow
Speaker: Michael Smull Respondent: Mary Lou Bourne Q and A

Work, Friendships and Control
Speaker: Mary Lou Bourne Respondent: Michael Smull Q and A

Let’s Talk About Choice
Speaker: Michael Smull Respondent: Mary Lou Bourne Q and A

Break-Out and General Session Conversations Include: Introduction to the Person Centered
Thinking Skills; Person Centered Practices and Cultural Diversity; Film Festival; Ideas for
Implementing and Evaluating Our Efforts; New Skills in Person Centered Thinking and Planning;
Community and Relationship Building; and, Community of Practice for California Organizations.
An Open Marketplace process will be used to determine additional topics. Bring your ideas of
what you would like to learn and what you have to share.

Registration: Cost is $175 per person. Includes lunch both days, materials, coffee and snacks.
Registration at starting 1/15/18 under NorCal Gathering of The Learning
Community. For registration by mail, contact Chrissy at Hotel
information will be emailed to registrants.